Scythe Banned Combos (2025)

1. FAQ – Scythe - Stonemaier Games

  • Due to the speed at which an experienced player can finish a game of Scythe with the following faction mat/player mat combinations, they are banned (except when ...

  • Replacement Parts:  Request replacement parts here. Buying Scythe-Related Stuff Click here to learn about how to buy Scythe games, accessories, and promos or here to learn about digital versions, a…

2. Scythe - Ticket to Carcassonne

  • (Note – Rusviet-Industrial and Crimea-Patriotic are banned combinations because they give that player an advantage, apparently) Rusviet (red) Agricultural ...

  • THREE YEARS AGO: I just played my third game of Scythe. My other two games were against beginners like myself, and I had managed to win one of those games by employing the simple strategy of gettin…

3. Scythe Tips and Strategy - The Daily Scythe - Win More Games

4. Table Talk - JoyDivision Interview - The Daily Scythe

  • Jun 30, 2020 · I became familiar with him on the Scythe Discord channel after asking some general questions about strategy. ... banned combos in the game being ...

  • Check out our Table Talk interview with amazing Scythe Digital Edition player JoyDivision! Find out how to take your Scythe strategy to the next level!

5. Scythe Discussion - World Beyblade Organization

  • Jun 24, 2011 · It was obviously posted in the Scythe Kronos topic already. Banned ... And what combo using Scythe were you talking about?If Scythe is ...

  • So at the moment it appears as though Scythe is better for defense than Stamina (?) Odd.... I just received mine today, not too sure about combos atm

6. Scythe Cards to randomize factions & player boards

  • ... Scythe base game, Invaders from Afar and The Rise of Fenris expansions. The cards include reminders of officially banned factions and player board combinations.

  • Scythe Cards to randomize factions & player boards

7. Dough (Combos) | Blox Fruits Wiki - Fandom

  • by TheDeviLinRed pls sub to my channel if this is good am i gonna get banned for self promotion? Open Area Version: Dough X(any version) , Spikey Trident Z, ...

  • Closed Area Version: Soul Guitar X, Spikey Trident X, Godhuman X, Dough X (land) , Godhuman Z, Spikey Trident Z, Dough V (take enemy far away then back close) C, (look down if reaction speed is fast or up if reaction speed is slow) Godhuman C

8. DPE Scythe Deck List and Card Guide | Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel|Game8

  • ... combo which will in turn, Special Summon Artifact Scythe. What is this ... Sooooo what should we put in the deck now that celestial is banned? 3 ...

  • Lock out your opponent in Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel with this powerful new DPE Scythe Deck. We've got the full deck list breakdown, combos, and more!

Scythe Banned Combos (2025)


How does scythe game work? ›

Scythe uses a streamlined action-selection mechanism (no rounds or phases) to keep gameplay moving at a brisk pace and reduce downtime between turns. While there is plenty of direct conflict for players who seek it, there is no player elimination. Every part of Scythe has an aspect of engine-building to it.

Who goes first in scythe board game? ›

STARTING PLAYER: The player with the lowest number in the label on their Player Mat will go first. Play proceeds clockwise from there.

Is Scythe a hard board game? ›

Some games are more combat heavy, some are more production heavy, others are more exploration heavy. Sometimes you focus on gaining power, other times you focus on popularity, other times you might want to build all your mechs quickly. Scythe is a great choice for those that like heavier board games.

How long does it take to finish Scythe? ›

The average reader, reading at a speed of 300 WPM, would take 6 hours and 14 minutes to read Scythe by Neal Shusterman. As an Amazon Associate, How Long to Read earns from qualifying purchases. Thank you for helping to keep this site running! Check it out on Amazon! Listen to the audiobook on Audible!

Can you go below 0 popularity in Scythe? ›

You may take actions that result in negative popularity (although your tracker can't drop below zero), but you may not take any actions that "cost" popularity. In your example, yes, you may attack a hex with a worker on it because the drop in popularity is a result of your action. Your popularity would remain at zero.

Is Scythe fun with two players? ›

Scythe - Two player rules modifications

It is dynamic, strategic, beautiful and fun. It works well to play with two players. With the Automa mechanics you can play solo or in a two person game add more players. This page though is created to modify the game to be more fun for just two players.

What is the problem in Scythe? ›

Neal Schusterman's Scythe is a novel set in a dystopian future where disease, war, crime, and poverty are all things of the past. While such a world may seem ideal, there is a downside: the danger of overpopulation through lack of natural deaths.

How does Scythe 1 end? ›

The novel ends with a page from Citra's journal as the newly renamed Scythe Anastasia. She tells of a rumor that there is someone seeking out corrupt scythes and killing them with fire. Although not an ordained scythe, the public is calling him Scythe Lucifer.

How to get better at Scythe? ›

To do well in this game, one should focus on earning stars quickly by accomplishing various tasks while attempting to control many territories. There are seven factions (5 in base game and 2 in the Invaders from Afar expansion) in Scythe, and they all have unique clan and mech abilities.

How does the Scythe game end? ›

End-Game Variant: When a player places their 6th star, their turn immediately ends, and each other player may take one final turn. However, those players may not take Move actions.

How long does a game of Scythe take? ›

Scythe (1-5 players, 115 minutes) is a board game set in an alternate-history 1920s period.

Who wins in Scythe? ›

Earn coins based on your position on the popularity track for every two resources you control. Earn extra coins based on the structures you have placed according to the structure bonus tile. You do not need to control these structures. After calculating your coins, the player with the most coins wins the game.

What are the rules in Scythe? ›

Thou shalt kill.
  • Thou shalt not kill with bias, bigotry, or malice aforethought.
  • Thou shalt grant an annum of immunity to the beloved of those.
  • who accept your coming, and to anyone else you deem worthy.
  • Thou shalt kill the beloved of those who resist.
  • Thou shalt serve humanity for the full span of thy days, and thy.
Nov 18, 2020

How does combat work in Scythe? ›

If one of your military units (character or mech) moves into a territory controlled by a military unit of another faction, its movement ends and you will engage that faction into combat at the end of your moves.

What is the best number of workers in Scythe? ›

Keep an eye on opponents and steal from them if you ca – keep a Mech on your best resources and be wary of an attack there. Don't put your workers on tunnels unless you have to. Have 5 workers but try to have them in little groups rather than spread out across 5 hexes. Get the speed mech out early in the game.

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Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

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Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.