Monster Hunter World - How To Get Majestic Horn (2025)

The momentMonster Hunter World sticks its claws in you, you know you're in for a long and rewarding experience of monsters to hunt, weapons and armor to craft, and ranks to reach. Crafting in particular is a huge component of rising up through the ranks and taking on tougher and tougher monsters, but in order to get some of the best weapons and armor the game has tucked away, you'll need to get your hands on some very specific, and rare, materials. TheMajestic Horn is one of these materials that may sound too difficult to be worthwhile, but we've done all the legwork to show you how you can hunt some down yourself.

Farming Majestic Horns In Monster Hunter World

Let's face it, there will come a time in your monster-hunting adventures where you'll need to start farming for materials. It's very rare that you'll naturally have enough to make any armor or weapon you want, and basically impossible in terms of the specific gear you can make with the Majestic Horns. The issue here is that the o nly two monsters you can farm for these rare horns are the high ranked Diablos and Black Diablos, neither of which are what you'd call easy prey.

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Monster Hunter World - How To Get Majestic Horn (1)

Facing a Diablos, which you can encounter in the Northeastern section of the Wildspire Waste, can be a major time commitment if you're trying it by yourself. The fight alone can take you upwards of 15 minutes, but you'll also need to make sure you break both of its horns before dealing the final blow to even have a chance at collecting a Majestic Horn. With that in mind, here are a few ways you can speed up the farming process.

Diablos doesn't tend to use its tail to attack, so sticking close to its back can be a safe place to deal damage.

Utilize Ice and Paralysis weapons and items since they're highly effective against this monster.

Remember to stay moving and dodge when Diablos dives underground and attempts to rise up and impale you.

Monster Hunter World - How To Get Majestic Horn (2)

At the same time, you can get free attacks in while it is in the process of digging underground since it can't attack at the same time. Alternatively, this is when you are free to use any items you might need.

Going along with the first point, the Diablos loves to try impaling you with its horns, so try to at least stay to its side.

Learn its attack patterns and capitalize on the moments it leaves itself open. It will always swing its horns side to side between two and four times before pausing to prepare a charge move. Listen for the shout it lets out just before attacking, dodge, and lay in with as much damage as you can.

Monster Hunter World - How To Get Majestic Horn (3)

Make sure you're ready for a long grind to get these horns, because the drop rate is listed at a mere 8%.

Quests That Reward Majestic Horns

There are only two quests that offer a chance at giving you a Majestic Horn. These are RRRRRumble in the Waste! and The White Winds of the New World. While both of these are optional quests, and can be repeated as many times as you like, they each only have a 6% and 5% chance of giving you a Majestic Horn respectively. You'll have to decide which method is more efficient for you based on the time it takes versus the odds.

Best Use For Majestic Horns

Monster Hunter World - How To Get Majestic Horn (4)

The best uses for Majestic Horns, once you've farmed up a few, are absolutely going to be the weapons and armor. For weapons, it will depend on your preference, but the Diablos Clubs and Coilbender are great duel blades and bows, each costing two and four Majestic Horns respectively. The Diablos Alpha set is much more pricy, with the helm, mail, and greaves totaling five Majestic Horns to craft.

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Monster Hunter World - How To Get Majestic Horn (2025)


Monster Hunter World - How To Get Majestic Horn? ›

Because the Majestic Horn is rewarded from breaking the horns of the Diablos, it's a good idea to create a build specifically around breaking parts and collecting rewards. If you can afford it, equip yourself with gear that has the Partbreaker skill such as the Uragaan chest and waist pieces, and the Breaker Charm.

What monster drops majestic horns? ›

Farming Majestic Horns In Monster Hunter World

The issue here is that the o nly two monsters you can farm for these rare horns are the high ranked Diablos and Black Diablos, neither of which are what you'd call easy prey.

Can you get Majestic Horn from Black Diablos? ›

Majestic Horns and Black Spiral Horns are from Diablos and Black Diablos respectively. They can only be obtained via breaking the horn or investigation boxes. I've gotten them from Silver boxes at the minimum.

How to break Diablos horns? ›

The easiest way is to bring a HBG with decent Pellet 3 and Normal 2 magazines (or a Bow with Rapid), Flash Bomb to get him to sit still for a bit, then liberally apply bullets to the face. Repeat until both horns are broken, then go for the tail.

How do you get the twisted horn in Monster Hunter world? ›

Twisted Horn is a material that you can obtain from defeating Diablos in either high-rank or low-rank. You can farm this item with a high probability of dropping by destroying Diablos' horns.

How to farm Majestic Horn? ›

Farming Majestic Horn

The Majestic Horn is a breakable reward from the Diablos in Monster Hunter World, specifically from its horns. You are able to earn this extremely rare drop from the Low Rank Diablos (which you will need to hunt as part of the main story) and from the High Rank Black Diablos.

How do you get monster horns? ›

Monster Horns are instruments of animal bone carried by Bokoblins. They can be stolen from Bokoblins by using the Whip. Link can also win them by making between 20 to 27 cuts in the Clean Cut game at Bamboo Island. The Moonlight Merchant will occasionally sell Monster Horns for 100 Rupees.

Are all Diablos female? ›

Physiology. The designation as a subspecies is somewhat of a misnomer, as Black Diablos are simply female Diablos in heat. Their shell turns black during mating season to warn other monsters of their heightened aggression and hostility. It is not possible for a Black Diablos to be male.

Is Black Diablos stronger than Diablos? ›

She is also far stronger than regular Diablos and is much more keen to fight back against invaders and Elder Dragons, even if it's a fight that she may lose.

Is Diablos a dragon? ›

A bipedal Flying Wyvern, the Diablos has hard armor plating across most of its body.

What is Diablos weaknesses? ›

Its weak points are the head, torso, and wings, all of which have different resistances to certain weapon types. Bladed weapons have moderate damage to its head and wings, but are best on its torso. Blunt weapons like hammers are very good against its head and torso, but terrible against its wings.

What weapon should I use against Diablos? ›

We'd recommend the Dual Blades due to their rapid attacks, the Bow due to its ranged ability, or the Insect Glaive because of its aerial abilities.

Can you break both of Ceadeus horns? ›

Only one of his horns actually comes off, it's related to the "story" (which is also why you can't break it until area 3). the other one will be chipped if you look carefully, but it stays on.

How do you get Pegasus horn? ›

You just keep killing pegasus until it drops.

How do you get the fire dragon horn? ›

Dinraal's Horn, which resembles a crystallized winged blade glowing with fiery energies, can be obtained by shooting an arrow at the horns of a giant dragon that flies the northeastern skies of Hyrule, the red fire spirit known as Dinraal.

What is the mythical monster with horns? ›

Some mythical creatures with horns include unicorns, minotaurs, and satyrs. Unicorn: Singular horn on its forehead. Often symbolizes purity and grace.

Who drops Monster Slogbone? ›

Monster Slogbone is a material dropped by large Master Rank monsters. Hunt the following for a chance to get them: Tigrex. Nargacuga.

What is the monster that drops bombs in Monster Hunter World? ›

Bazelgeuse uses its scales offensively during combat. It is capable of dislodging them at will from its body and quickly replacing them. Once dislodged, the scales that drop on the field will act as similarly to land mines and will explode when struck by anything.

What drops meaty hide in Monster Hunter rise? ›

The best places to start hunting for Zamite are in areas 5, 8 and 10 but you can also often see Zamite wandering around in area 4. When you slay Zamite, you'll be able to carve them for a chance of a Meaty Hide drop. Each time you carve Zamite, there is a 38% chance you'll get some Meaty Hide.

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