German boy scout uniforms : Garments (2025)

German boy scout uniforms : Garments (1)

Figure 1.--These German Scouts at a camp wear traditional Scout uniforms with berets. Before the War, the beret was primarily a French garment. After the War it became popular in Scouing. The photograph was probably taken in the 1970s.

German boys have worn many of the same uniform items popular with Scouts in other countries. German Scouts also adopted Scout items worn in other countries like the French beret. We note many German scouts wearing berets. Occasionally we notice German Scouts wearing the traditional lemon-squeezer hat, but berets were much more common. Scout shirts and scarves are very common. Most Scouts even when not fully uniformed wore a Scout shirt and scarve. Less common were uniform pants. We note boys wearing uniform pants to some extent, but we also noice a variety of other pants, jeans, sports shorts, and lederhosen. We note corduroy shorts were popular for a time, but gradually gave way to jeans. Lederhosen or leather shorts were especially popular in Germany although boys in other counties have also worn them. Lederhosen werev most common in Bavaria and southern Germany, but appear to have been widely worn by German Scouts. We rarely seen German Scouts wearing uniform kneesocks. There is a wide variety of footwear, including shoes, snakers, sandals, and boots.


German Scouts adopted Scout items worn in other countries like the French beret. We note many German scouts wearing berets. Occasionally we notice German Scouts wearing the traditional lemon-squeezer hat, but berets were much more common. Before the War, the beret was primarily a French garment. After the War it became popular in Scouing.


Scout shirts are very common. Most Scouts even when not fully uniformed with regullation garments, usually wore an official Scout shirt. And in Germany there were different colored Scout shirts. This reflected the several different Scout associations. Like many European countries, the Scouting movement was not unified. There were several associations, often divided on religious grounds. These assoiciations had different uniforms and the major differenve in the unfoorms was the colors of the shirts. There were different associatioins before the NAZIs, but the unforms were not so different. After the War when Scouting was renewed we see major differences in the colors of the shirts. Unfortunately our information is limited and we are nit sure what association had wgat colord shoirt. As HBU expands we hope to add that information. There are of course other features of Scout shirts, including collars, epulettes, and sleves, but color is the most important bcuse of its visual appeal. And of course the shirt is wear the most important badge and awards appear--an important part of Scouting.


The Scout scarve was also commonly worn. we note some boys wearing Scout scarves even when not using other parts of the uniform.


Less common were uniform pants. We note boys wearing uniform pants to some extent, but we also noice a variety of other pants, jeans, sports shorts, and lederhosen. We note corduroy shorts were popular for a time, but gradually gave way to jeans. Lederhosen or leather shorts were especially popular in Germany although boys in other counties have also worn them. Lederhosen were most common in Bavaria and southern Germany, but appear to have been widely worn by German Scouts. we note German Scouts wearing lederhosen both with the Scout uniform and when wearing regular clothes for Scout activities--especially at Scout camps. Cord shorts were also important, but worn by Scouts in many other European countries as well.


Before the NAZIs abolishd Scouting, boy wore knee socks as in some instance long tockings. Long stocking were still worn after the War, but rarely with Scout unifoms. The boys at first mostly wotre knee socks. Gradually knee sics declined in populaity. We rarely seen German Scouts by the 1970s wearing uniform knee socks, especially by the late-70s. We commnly see uniform knee socks with scout groups, but this was relatively rare in Germany.


There is a wide variety of footwear, including shoes, snakers, sandals, and boots. Almost always the sandals worn after World war II were closed-toe sandals.

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Created: September 18, 1998
Last updated: 4:17 PM 3/30/2014

German boy scout uniforms : Garments (4)

German boy scout uniforms : Garments (2025)


What is the German version of the Boy Scouts? ›

Deutsche Pfadfinderschaft Sankt Georg

What are beaver Scouts called in Germany? ›

Biber (Beaver) ages 3–7. Wölflinge (Cubs) ages 7–11. Pfadfinder (Scouts) ages 11–16. Rover (Rover Scouts) ages 16–27.

Does Germany have Boy Scouts? ›

Scouting in Germany consists of five scouting associations which work closely together within the federation rdp (Ring deutscher Pfadfinder*innenverbände). Participation in world scouting events is organized on federation level.

What is the Cub Scout promise in German? ›

Cub Scouts

Ich will ein guter Wölfling/Freund sein und unsere Regeln achten. ein Wölfling nimmt Rücksicht auf andere. I will be a good Cub Scout/friend and follow our rules.

What is a lion in Boy Scouts? ›

Lion is a Scouting program of the Boy Scouts of America for kindergarten-age youth. The mission of the Boy Scouts of America is to help young people build character, learn citizenship, develop personal fitness, become effective leaders, and have fun in the outdoors.

What is the Soviet version of the Boy Scouts? ›

The Vladimir Lenin All-Union Pioneer Organization, abbreviated as the Young Pioneers, was a compulsory youth organization of the Soviet Union for children and adolescents ages 9–14 that existed between 1922 and 1991. "Always Ready!" (Всегда готов!)

What is the German Scout logo? ›

The emblem consists of the cross, superimposed over a fleur-de-lys, which in turn is superimposed over a trefoil. These three charges clearly represent Christianity, Scouting and Guiding.

Which country invented Scouts? ›

Scouting began as a programme for boys aged 11 to 18. 1907: The first experimental camp organised by Robert Baden-Powell with 20 boys at Brownsea Island, United Kingdom was a great success. 1908: Baden-Powell published “Scouting for Boys”, which was an immediate hit and has since sold over 100 million copies.

What did Boy Scouts do in ww2? ›

Scouts on the Home Front used their skills to support their communities. Adult members and Scout volunteers helped to support refugees and displaced people. In Prisoner of War (POW) camps across the world, Scouts secretly carried on Scouting, risking punishment in order to keep their connection with the Movement going.

What is the German scout motto? ›

In German the cub-scout motto is "Unser Bestes" (our best). "Do your Best" literally translated would be "Tue Dein Bestes".

What does AOL stand for in Cub Scouts? ›

Welcome to AOL (Arrow of Light) Scouts! Our resources are designed to help scouts complete ranks and electives with their families and dens. The AOL Program is composed of AOL | Elective Adventures and AOL | Rank Adventures. AOL Rank Adventures are required for the completion of the AOL program.

What were Cub Scouts originally called? ›

The Cub Scout section was first launched in 1916 as Wolf Cubs. Early in the development of the Scouting movement, there was a need for provision for those too young to join the Boy Scouts at the age of 11.

Are there Boy Scouts in Europe? ›

Scouting in Europe has over 2 million members in 40 Member Organizations across the continent.

What is the French version of the Boy Scouts? ›

Les Scouts De France (Scouts of France). The Association was formed in 1920 when all the previously separate Catholic Associations merged. It is the largest, most wide spread of the French Scout Associations.

How is Boy Scouts different in other countries? ›

Scouting in other countries is largely non-religious whereas, in the US, one of the points of the Scout Law is that a scout is reverent. However, the BSA is officially “nonsectarian in its attitude toward that religious training.”

What is the British version of the Boy Scouts? ›

The BBS and BGS. The British Boy Scouts and British Girl Scouts Association is a Traditional Scouting association in the UK founded in 1909 by Major Whitby. We wear the traditional uniform, follow the traditional badge programme as set out in Scouting for Boys, and are a member of the Order of World Scouts (OWS).

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